March 10, 2025


Truth Triumphs

The fear of being ordinary. Nuances of life- 2.0


Bengaluru, March 26: If you pursue happiness, you are an ordinary person. If happiness pursues you, you are an extraordinary person. Do not chase happiness; let it chase you. Out of his simplicity and humbleness, the ordinary has become extraordinary, but he has no idea of it. The case of big pine tree and the rosebush. Pine tree is higher, but where are the roses? The real height is in the roses and the fragrance. Height in itself is not enough to be higher.

I am ordinary! That’s OK with me! The fear of being ordinary is terrifying. It can stop you in your tracks and send you into a spiral of anxiety and depression, and create more stress than you need in your life.

Do you want to live an average life? For many the answer is NO. For most people, an ordinary life is often tied to an uneventful life. It’s a life in which you can comfortably meet your needs, address the rare emergency, and exist without a ton of stress and pressure. It’s a life without unpleasant surprises.

We don’t want to be ordinary… we want to be exceptional. We want it all – the career, the relationship, the status, and the experiences that come along with it. Social media has made it worse. Now that you can share images and videos of life on Face book and Instagram, why settle for anything less spectacular?

The Young crave for heroics. They want to stand out, they want to be less ordinary. That was one of my biggest fears growing up. It took me years to accept that being average is fine! Now it’s true that your school grades don’t matter so much – later in life.

The Irony of Being Extraordinary
The words Extra ordinary and Extraordinary have baffled. They are full of irony. Extraordinary is going beyond and being exceptional. But extra and ordinary – This suggests more ordinary than ordinary.
We can all be extraordinary. It’s time to raise the bar on yourself and see what you really can do. It’s time to be a better version of yourself. The thought of choosing to be extraordinary can be overwhelming. After all, where do you start?

Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is so true. Take it one step at a time. Every day, make the choice to be extraordinary. It’s a daily decision. Realize that you are more than you think you are. You’re capable of more than what you think you can do. It is just natural. You want to win the race. You want to be appreciated, recognised and respected!

The world is full of mediocre hard-working people. They make the cogs of the world turn. The world has but few geniuses. Majority are ordinary people. There is space for everyone. No one should be ashamed of not having a Nobel, an Oscar or a Padma! Let’s be kind to ourselves. Your whole life doesn’t need to be an uphill battle forever. Battle a little, rest a little. Getting 3/5 is OK! It means you did exactly what you needed to do, so congratulate yourself. It’s OK not being 5on5.

Accept you are ordinary. Suddenly you are free to live. You have time to do what you want to do. You can laugh, you can sing, you can dance. The world has no business to make fun off. Stop trying to be perfect. Rather, aspire to be better than you were yesterday. Nobody is perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes. Correct them and move on.

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