February 14, 2025


Truth Triumphs

Numbers That Matter in our lives!

GUEST COLUMN : Dr N Prabhudev

Bengaluru, Jan. 21:
Life is a series of random events, numbers bring order to it!
Some say Age is just a number… but you see… it isn’t ANY number. It’s a special one. It reminds you when you are likely to DIE! It tells you how long you have been alive! Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. We all have 24 hours in a day. Every person, rich, poor, happy, sad, young or old… we’re all sharing the same time. Time is the last true symbol of EQUALITY!

Our lives are ruled by numbers. It provides much-desired clarity in a complex world of greyscales and uncertainties. BMI results tell us how much weight to lose or gain to maximise life expectancy! A common human misconception is that everything can and should be measured. A person’s height can be measured. But feelings, on the other hand, cannot be measured!
Nowadays, virtually anything can be tracked and measured. Smart watches include a heart rate monitor, can count your steps, and record your sleep patterns!
The average human lives for around 80 years – or 28,385 days.
Most of us will spend 33 years in bed. That’s 12,045 days.
You’ll likely spend around 13 years and 2 months (4,821 days) at work – hopefully, doing something you love.
And 11 years and 4 months (4,731 days) staring at a screen.
That doesn’t leave a huge amount of time for the things that really matter in life…Spending quality time with family is remarkably, although perhaps unsurprisingly, a very small part of our modern day lives. We’re down to just 38 minutes a week or 104 days in our life time. That one makes you think. When it comes to socialising, there’s a little improvement – we’re up to 1 year and 3 days. Again, it’s not a lot, is it?
How often do we put these numbers into context? How often do we ask ourselves ‘what is the number that really matters?
Number of smiles you flash! It transcends cultural barriers, bridge gaps between strangers, and even improve one’s own health and well-being. It’s a universal language of kindness and compassion, a silent affirmation of joy and solidarity. It costs nothing, yet it can mean everything.
Your Body weight!
Yes, your weight is important. Your weight is the easiest way to measure your health. Too skinny, your body is missing something. Too fat, your body’s working overtime just to keep you alive. “Only gain 10 pounds above your high school weight, as an adult and stay there for life. Losing weight is a mind game. Change your mind and your body will follow!
It took you years to put on all that weight, it won’t go down in a day… as with everything good in life, be patient! It’s not going to be easy, but everyone who did tell you: It is worth it!
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure readings measure the pressure of blood pushing against your artery walls. High blood pressure puts strain on the heart and increases risk of heart attack and stroke. Blood pressure readings consist of two numbers: the systolic (upper) number measures pressure inside the arteries when the heart is beating and the diastolic (lower) number measures pressure when the heart is at rest.
Normal: Less than 120 systolic and less than 80 diastolic
Elevated: 120 to 129 systolic and less than 80 diastolic
High Blood Pressure Stage 1: 130 to 139 systolic or 80 to 89 diastolic
High Blood Pressure Stage 2: 140 or higher systolic or 90 or higher diastolic
Hypertensive Crisis- 180 systolic and 120 diastolic! Emergency! Consult the doctor immediately!
Blood Sugar
The A1C test measures average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months.
Normal: below 5.7 percent
Pre-diabetes: 5.7 – 6.4 percent
Diabetes: 6.5 percent or above
Danger levels of A1C 9% and above

Triglycerides are an important measure of cardiovascular risk that sometimes doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Triglycerides are bad fat circulating in the blood. They differ from cholesterol, but your triglyceride level is part of your total cholesterol number.
Normal: Below 150 milligrams per decilitre
Mild (borderline): 150 – 199 mg/decilitre
High: 200 – 499 mg/ decilitre
Severe: 500 mg/ decilitre.
Waist-To-Hip Ratio
The difference between waist and hip circumference is a better predictor for health problems than body mass index- BMI. Excess abdominal fat raises risk of heart disease and other health problems. Waist-to-hip ratio is calculated by dividing the circumference of your waist by the circumference at your hips.
Normal (Women): 0.8 or less
Normal (Men): 0.95 or less
Physical Activity
Tracking steps or tracking time spent exercising are two simple ways to measure physical activity. Health guidelines recommend 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise such as brisk walking.
10,000 daily steps often is a healthy goal.
Log at least 7,000 steps per day! Have a 50-70 percent lower risk of premature death,
Log at least 4,000 steps a day and reduce the risk of premature death by about 40 percent,
Seat Time – people who sit more than 12 hours a day have a 38% increased risk of death if they don’t get at least 22 minutes of exercise each day. Sit for as little as possible! Sitting is the new smoking!
Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits, one quarter of the plate with protein rich food like fish, poultry and the rest of the quarter of the plate with whole grains or cereals like rice, chapatti. Stay keen on your portion sizes. A balanced diet is the right way to a healthier you.

  1. BMI
    BMI or body mass index, “underweight = <18.5 %, normal weight = 18.5-24.9%, overweight = 25-29.9% and obese = 30% or greater.
    Waist circumference is easier and a more reliable way to measure! It is a better indicator than BMI. Women should measure below 35 inches and men below 40 inches. Place the tape measure just above the hip bones and measure your waist right after you exhale.
    Numbers don’t lie!
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