February 20, 2025


Truth Triumphs

The man who wins is not the fastest or the strongest but the man who thinks he will

Bengaluru, June 24: Mind-set! In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd. Train your Brain! Our mind-set either limits our potential or liberates it.
The positive mind-set sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.
Mental resilience often translates into physical strength. Physical challenges are 90% mental! It was thought that running a mile in under 4-minutes was impossible until in 1954, Roger Bannister completed the laps in 3:59.4. Bannister broke a psychological barrier with this run. This once believed impossible record only lasted for 46 days before Australian runner John Landy shaved 1.5 seconds off of his time. Since that time more than 1,400 runners have broken the under 4 minute a mile!
We all have dreams to achieve the best! Trust me! Your ability to achieve that dream is not impossible. You can live your dreams. It’s Impossible only if you don’t try! Being realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocrity. What is now proved, was once only imagined! Our perception creates our reality. Our beliefs create the outcome.

Conquer your fears. Be at peace with failing occasionally.
If you think you are beaten, you are! If you think you dare not, you don’t! If you like to win, but you think you can’t- you won’t! If you think you’ll lose, you will! Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man but goes to the man who thinks he will! Success will be within your reach only when you reach out for it!
The problem we often face is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed. Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail and succeed.
Mind-set is more than a bunch of fleeting thoughts. These thoughts are often difficult to change! It’s the filter through which we view the world. It’s the filter that colours our experiences and determines our responses to challenges and opportunities.

Mind-set, in its essence, is how we perceive and interact with the world around us. Your mind set decides – An obstacle may be seen as an insurmountable wall or a stepping stone on the path to growth.
Embrace Challenges: Instead of avoiding problems, see them as opportunities to grow. Learn from Criticism: Constructive feedback improves and refines your skills. Celebrate Others’ Success: don’t feel threatened, but be inspired! Remember! you are never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you’re never as bad as they say when you lose!

Have you ever felt like life has thrown too much at you? The weight of responsibilities, challenges, and obstacles can often feel overwhelming. It’s in these moments that a powerful truth emerges: “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it!
Imagine two students preparing for an exam. One crams the night before, feeling overwhelmed by the load of information. The other studies consistently over time, finding the process easier. It’s not just about the load of studying; it’s about their approach.
It always seems impossible until it’s done. Far too often we are going through life unconsciously — cruising along on auto-pilot, unable to recognize the choice and power we possess. We are often frozen by dark forces of negative self-talk, worst-case-scenario thinking, complaining, succumbing to a victim mind-set or getting caught up in the destructive nature of worry, gossip and perpetuating false narratives.

The reason we don’t succeed is because we are afraid to fail and don’t try! You can’t reach the peak unless you take the first step! Risk is scary, but stagnation is worse! It all boils down to how you process your thoughts and your reactions. Your thoughts are incredibly powerful.
Risk-averse people who stay in their comfort zones rarely lead the pack. It’s the people who move fast, break things and defy convention who change the world. Success is all about- 3Gs- Grit, Guts and Gumption! Take charge and start acting on instinct. In most cases, your intuition will steer you in the right direction. All it takes is a few simple tweaks to your thinking.

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