CET revised list announced
Bengaluru, Oct. 1: The revised CET ranking list has been announced by Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) as per the high court’s decision and Dr. CN Ashwath Narayan, Minister for Higher Education has said, there is no change in the ranking between 1 to 500 in the new list has compared to the earlier list.
Stating this on Friday, Minister added, the revised list has been prepared according to the formula accepted by the High Court.
As many as 24,000 students who had passed 2nd PU in 2021 had written CET in 2022. As per the court’s direction 6% marks scored by these students in 2nd PUC has been deducted, in the first step. In the next step, 50% of the marks obtained in PUC and 50% of the marks secured in CET is considered while preparing the revised list, Narayan explained.
There are 14 students of 2021 in the ranking between 501-1000. Similarly, between the rankings 1001- 10000, the number of students of 2021 is 2,063 and between rankings 10,001 and 1,00,00, the number of students of 2021 is 22,022.
This revised list will be applicable to engineering, agriculture, yoga and naturopathy courses only. For veterinary and pharmacy courses, the ranking has been announced considering only the marks secured in CET, he informed.
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