March 14, 2025


Truth Triumphs

Need decentralized system to get rid of waste problem

Angalore, April 5: A decentralized system for waste disposal in the city is the need of the hour. In this regard, the bulk waste generators and the bulk waste collection service providers within the BBMP area should take up responsibility to get rid of the problem of bulk waste, said the Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta.

Addressing a meeting held at the IPP center in Malleshwaram, today, to discuss the segregation and management of waste at source by bulk waste generators, he said that, almost 6000 Metric tonnes of waste is generated per day. Of this, 1,500 tonnes of waste is being generated by bulk generators. The problem of waste should be eradicated through a decentralized system for waste disposal.

Bulk waste generators must establish a waste segregation and management unit within their residential or property area. The Bulk waste generators include the residential bulk waste generators (residential complexes which produce more than 100 kg of waste per day or a complex or apartment with over 100 units.)

Another category is the institutional bulk waste generators (government institutions, religious, educational institutions, hotels, APMC like market yards, nursery, parks, lodges etc each generating more than 100 kg of waste per day).

Further, the commercial ones which includes hotel-restaurants, marriage hall, mall, choultry, shopping complex, supermarket, club, auditorium, petrol bunk, food business operators like confectioneries or ice cream parlours etc. All of these are mandated to follow solid waste management properly. If there is no separate space for solid waste management, then they can engage authorized waste processing companies to transport the waste to a specific location. But, everything must be in a systematic manner, he said.

If the bulk waste generators does not have space to do in situ composting or set up small Bio Methane plant then they are required to hand over waste to the Bulk Waste Empanelled Vendors, who are authorised to collect the waste and process it.

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