February 19, 2025


Truth Triumphs

Mind is a familiar stranger!

Bengaluru, Sep 14:
Think you’re in control of your life? Don’t be so sure. Ninety-five percent of your decisions take place in your subconscious mind. We are not left-brained or right-brained; we are all “whole-brained.” High cholesterol has been found to reduce the risk of dementia. Nicotine rushes into the brain in a mere 7 seconds. Alcohol, on the other hand, takes 6 minutes.
What is soul to the heart is mind to the brain! Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into a mind- Heart is soulful. Brain is mindful! No one knows exactly what the mind is or how the brain creates it. Even though the mind is created by the brain, the mind can operate with some independence from the brain. In fact, the mind can actually change the brain. Amazing! You can watch your mind at work – mind reading!
The human mind is a true enigma. The average time it takes to forget a great love is 17 months and 26 days. Physical pain, looking at a photo of your loved one can reduce physical pain up to 44%. The effect is almost identical to that of a common analgesic. Each one of us has around 70 thousand thoughts per day, although many of them are repeated.
The mind can be a wild thing and will run where it will. Your mind can be a shrieking, gibbering madhouse on wheels down the hill, utterly out of control and hopeless. Everyone has a “monkey mind” filled with fantasies, stories, wild imaginings, and thoughts both useful and ridiculous. In other words, the mind has a mind of its own. It can’t be controlled, but—no problem—you can learn to manage it. Sad. Anxious. Angry – Whatever emotion is causing you distress, recent research shows that labeling it can ease your upset feelings and help you feel more in control.
Have you ever experienced the feeling of brain fog, where you could barely remember anything, or you found it hard to concentrate on a task? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. Brain fog is an underrated problem, and many people suffer from it.
Cotard’s syndrome – Walking corpse syndrome: this disorder makes people think that they’re dead.
Mirror-touch synaesthesia: this disorder makes people feel what other people are feeling.
Capgras delusion: people with this condition think a loved one has been replaced by an imposter.
Alien hand syndrome: some people are convinced their hand doesn’t belong to them.
Exploding head syndrome: this disorder makes people hear explosions in their head.
One thing is clear: Laughter makes us feel better. Laughter is one of the least understood of human behaviors. Sleep is crucial for survival! Extended sleeplessness can lead to mood swings, hallucination, and in extreme cases, death. If you were to ask 10 people what dreams are made of, you’d probably get 10 different answers. That’s because scientists are still unraveling this mystery.
Brain contains roughly 100 billion brain cells. The typical brain comprises about 2% of the body’s total weight but uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen intake. Twenty-five percent of the body’s cholesterol resides within the brain. Brain is the fattiest organ in the body. As little as five minutes without oxygen can cause some brain cells to die, leading to severe brain damage.
Brain information travels up to 268 miles per hour. This is faster than Formula 1 race cars which top out at 240 mph! Sometimes, half a brain can be as good as a whole one.

When surgeons operate to stop seizures, they remove or disable half of the brain in a procedure known as a hemi-spherectomy.

Where do the thoughts come from? Mind is most often referred to as the seat of human consciousness. Consciousness is only a small portion of mental processes. Consciousness and mind are not synonymous! The mind is that which thinks, feels, perceives, imagines, remembers, and wills. In other words, it encompasses the totality of mental phenomena. Consciousness is the awareness of external and internal circumstances. It encompasses a wide variety of states, such as perception, thinking, fantasizing, dreaming, and altered states of consciousness.
Mind is defined as a non-physical phenomenon which Brain perceives, thinks, recognizes, experiences and reacts to the environment! The mind is described as having two main aspects: clarity and knowing; meaning that the mind is clear, formless and that the mind is knowledge, and awareness, a consciousness which can engage.
There are conflicts between our heart and our mind. Is heart at fault? Are feelings just silly and frivolous? Or maybe its mind that’s to blame. It seems like it’s always coming up with conflicting messages. It’s okay to follow your heart but take your brain with you. A man says a lot of things in summer he doesn’t mean in winter. As i have said before the heart has its reasons which reason knows not!
The heart has no pain receptors! So the next time someone breaks your heart just move on! Your pain is just an illusion, a temporary psychological disturbance that you have to overcome. . In short, it’s all in the mind. This conscious mind does all the logical and rational thinking. Obviously, we humans give a lot of value to it since it had made our life so much easier. Unfortunately, the mind does not make decision-making easier for us. Well, sometimes, yes!

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