Massive campaign to reach young voters: Raksha Ramaiah
Bengaluru, April 26: Each and every voter must have a vision for nation building and progressive change of the nation. Every individual must exercise his franchise for a bright future for Karnataka, called upon KPCC president DK Shivakumar.
Participating at a seminar on “youth voters – young vote” at Eden Garden hotel he called upon youths to vote for positive development and progress of rhe state. First time voters must vote sensibly and bring Congress to power for pro people administration, he said.

Karnataka has become an epicentre in the entire nation. The sensible voters must upheld and enhance the honour of Karnataka. The brand of the state Global Karnataka, brand Karnataka must be upheld, he said.
Double engine government is the most corrupt government in the country. Have you seen any positive change in the lives of general public eversince this BJP came to power, Shivakumar questioned.
It is time to introspect yourself.

The government has resorted to pick pocket through daily fuel hike. Including domestic gas prices of essential commodities are skyrocketic pinching the pocket of common man. Government lacks concern for general public. Hence vote for better future, be urged.
BJP is misleading the public. The BJP’s ploy has not worked in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana and West Bengal as the voters are concerned about their state.
It is time that Karnataka voters think matured manner. Publicity is the backbone of BJP. Why is BJP not fighting polls on development platform? Why should prime minister Modi and his other cabinet colleagues repeatedly visit Karnataka to influence voters, he questioned.

Nadaprabhu Kempegowda state has been installed by spending a whopping Rs. 60 crore. This could have been gotten done by the airport authorities. And BJP has spent Rs. 30 crore to mobilise people for Modi’s visit. Who has authorised BJP to squander public money according to their whims and fancies, he asked.
Voters are equipped with a womderful remote control. It can be used to topple or change the government. Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi gave a wonderful weapon to change the government by exercising franchise. If you are fed up with watching boring face of Yeddyurappa or Kumaraswamy or Bommai you either change of switch off TV. Like wise you can change government, he suggested. Politicians were treated as demigods. But now we have politicians who are corrupt and have cooled their heels in the prisons.
Deapite the opposition Rajiv Gandhi brought down voting age to 18 years from 21 hears. This is because of the faith deposed in young voters, said Shivakumar and added that Congress values the thought process of youths.
Congresa manifesto is in favour of youths. It is consolidating the thoughts of yoyng community, said AICC secretary Abhishek Dutt. Next 14 days are crucial for nation building, he added.
Young vote campaign is being publicised through streetplays too. Congress is aiming to reach young voters in all possible means and campaign, said Young voters campaign state in-charge and Youth Congress National General Secretary MS Raksha Ramaiah.
Congress manifesto favours youths and their feelings. Diploma holders and graduates get a stipend until they get a job, said state youth congress president Mohammad Nalpad.
Congress leader Aishwarya and others were present in the seminar.
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