March 12, 2025


Truth Triumphs

The end of Male Supremacy!

Women are stronger and live longer than men
Women are taking over.

GUEST COLUMN: Dr N Prabhudev
Bengaluru, Nov. 7:
Behind every successful man there is a woman!
Behind every successful woman … is another great woman- herself.”
Men have historically dominated the fields of science and philosophy and filtered their conclusions about the world through their own biases, resulting in some tragic, absurd, and hilarious misrepresentations of women. In the last 100 years the IQ scores of both men and women have risen, but women’s have risen faster! As on 2021 the longevity gap has widened to 5.8 years.
What it means to be a woman? The answer is increasingly complex! Being a woman is not just about femininity or fitting into one specific mould. Womanhood is much more than chromosomes! Womanhood is not simply a set of body parts and its functions. Now women are a force to reckon with! Millennial male dominance is about to end. Women around the world make a difference every single day.
Women now earn 60 percent of both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, about half of all law and medical degrees, and 42 percent of all MBAs! The woman of today exudes an aura of confidence and capability. She holds her own in the face of adversity, embraces challenges with vigour, and never shies away from taking risks to achieve her goals. She is a leader; she leads by example, inspiring those around her! She is the embodiment of strength and empowerment – a whole package of multi-faceted female potential.
Longevity! Women outlive men by nearly six years! Women score higher on compassion! Men would score higher on decisiveness! The weaker sex – Yes Men are the weaker sex! Science says women are stronger than men – Pretty much at every age, pretty much at every challenge, disease or crisis women seem to survive better than men. The stature – short statured ones are living longer than the taller-ones. From before birth through every stage of life, men are more likely to die earlier than women.
The X-factor- They are kinder! Women are strong but gentle, educated but humble, fierce but compassionate, passionate but rational! It’s a Man’s, Man’s World” – music legend James Brown recorded! Not anymore! God has given women the brains and the beauty. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man in the world.
Women have more nonfatal, chronic conditions, while men have more fatal conditions. Heart disease starts 10 years earlier in men than women! One of the major contributors to men’s lower life expectancy are what we call “deaths of despair” — lives cut short by smoking, suicide, alcohol and addiction to substances or violent crimes! Men work themselves into an early grave.
35% of men in the world smoke compared with 6% of women! Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in men! Smoking causes about 90% – of all lung cancer deaths. Smoking causes 8 out of 10 of all deaths from COPD! Smoking increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times, of stroke by 2 to 4 times, of lung cancer by 25 times! Alcohol causes a range of serious health problems, including seven types of cancer, increased blood pressure and liver disease. Genetic reasons!
It’s in your genes – A woman is XXY and a man is only XY!
The X contains about 900 genes that do all sorts of jobs unrelated to sex. Y contains less number of genes – about 55 – packs a punch because it contains all-important genes that kick-starts male development in the embryo which ensures the baby develops as a boy. This master sex gene was identified as SRY! Developmentally the Y chromosome has lost genes – from 900 to 55 over some 166 million years! That’s a loss of about five genes per million years. At this rate, the last 55 genes will be gone in 11 million years.
The Y chromosome is Slowly Vanishing. A New Sex Gene May Be The Future of Men. The sex of humans is decided by a male-determining gene on the Y chromosome. But the human Y chromosome is degenerating and may disappear in a few million years, leading to our extinction unless we evolve a new sex gene.
To reproduce, we need sperm and we need men, meaning that the end of the Y chromosome could herald the extinction of the human race. The new finding supports an alternative possibility – that humans can evolve a new sex determining gene.
The Y chromosome is an X chromosome with a missing leg. It’s missing genetic material! “Women have extra genetic material — which allows them to, for instance, have a backup plan if there is a bad mutation on one of the two X chromosomes.
Women escape the risks of testosterone. The female sex hormone oestrogen is an “antioxidant”, meaning that it mops up poisonous chemicals that cause cells stress. Oestrogen benefits women because it lowers low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or LDL or “bad” cholesterol and increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or HDL, the “good” cholesterol, which reduces cardiovascular risk.
People are finally starting to wake up to the power of what it means to be a woman – Whether it’s battling ailments such as illnesses and disease, or simply living a longer life, it appears that women truly are stronger than men – and research data proves it. Women have resistance to almost all the major causes of death.

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