July 6, 2024


Truth Triumphs

If the Constitution is protected, we will all survive.

Uproot those who are against the Constitution : CM Siddu

No one should tolerate defamation against the Constitution

Bengaluru, Feb. 24: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah quoted Abraham Lincoln – We are the rightful Masters of the Constitution. Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow those who are against the Constitution.

He was speaking after inaugurating the Constitution and National Unity Conference organized by the Social Welfare Department at the Palace Grounds today.

There are two negative propaganda going on against the Constitution.That the Constitution is for the salvation of Dalits and is not in accordance with the socio-economic situation. It should be realized that people who are against it are giving it negative propaganda as the Constitution clearly states freedom, equality and fraternity. This propaganda has been going on since it came into effect on 26th January 1950.This should not be tolerated. If the Constitution is protected, we will all survive. Otherwise we will be in danger, he said.

Eradicating Social inequality is the responsibility of every Government

It is the responsibility of every government to eradicate inequality in the country. We are entering a society of contradictions. In a society with social and economic inequality, political democracy can succeed only when it rests on the foundations of social democracy. Ambedkar had said that those who suffer from inequality will destroy the edifice of democracy. Eradication of social inequality is the responsibility of every government. For the constitution to succeed, it is important to know in whose hands the power rests. The constitution will succeed if it is in the hands of those who are in favour of the constitution, equality and those who want to build a human society. If it is in the hands of those who are against the constitution, we have no survival. He said that the power should be in the hands of those who are in favour of the constitution to fulfill the wishes of the constitution.

As part of the Amrita Mahotsava celebration of the adoption of the Constitution, A constitution awareness Jatha has been organized in the state to make people understand the preamble, aspirations of the Constitution from 26 January 2024. The jatha has travelled trough 31 districts and has informed the people about the purpose, inevitability and necessity of the constitution. He said that the National Unity Conference will be held for two days.

Great Constitution
Chief Minister advised that every one must read the Constitution.Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who as the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee read and understood the constitutions of many countries and drafted the constitution in such a way as to suggest solutions to the country’s problems. He said that the constitution of India is the greatest constitution.

On the same occasion, the Chief Minister distributed prizes and mementos to Tumkur , Davangere, Mysore, Kodagu, Bellary districts for organizing the best activities.

Legislative Council Chairman Basavaraja Horatti, Social Welfare Minister Dr. HC Mahadevappa, Supreme Court Retired Justice Gopal Gowda, High Court Retired Justice Nagamohan Das, Minister Priyanka Kharge MLA Somasekar, Additional Chief Secretary Dr. Shalini Rajneesh were present.

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