Bengaluru, Sep. 30: Life is precious! What we’re eating is killing us to a slow death, more than smoking and Cancer! Diet is a dominant driver of health around the world and Food is a far, far bigger killer, because unlike smoking, everyone must eat. You can give in to the “taste” and slowly kill yourself.
The current burden of malnutrition globally is 22% stunted growth, 8% wasted children, 6% obese children! Mal nutrition costs the world $3.5 trillion per year! Obesity costs $500 billion annually. Each year more than half of all the fruits and vegetables produced globally are lost or wasted! Our daily diet is a bigger killer than smoking and is now involved in one in five deaths around the world . Not enough vegetables and not enough fruit: Deaths: 1.52 million and 2.36 million
Too much salt – three million deaths
Too few whole grains – five million deaths
Too little fruit – two million deaths
Low levels of – nuts, seeds, vegetables and omega-3 and fibre are the other major killers.
Are we what we eat? Or do we eat what we are?
The food we eat affects — our health, our mental state, our emotions, and even our spirituality. We are what we eat. We dress to please others! We eat to our satisfaction! Hunger is universal! We live in a blossoming age of gastronomy. We are under attack by the forces of fast food and industrial mass production!
A lack of Vitamin B, C, and D has shown to affect our mental state and brain health. A lack of protein can cause depression, muscle loss, hair loss, hunger pangs, and fatigue. A lack of fats in the body causes poor brain functions, hormonal imbalances, weight management problems, higher risk of diabetes, and a few more metabolic and cognitive-related problems.
Food as Medicine! Eat food like medicine! Otherwise you will have to eat medicine like food – Steve jobs! He died a billionaire at 56yrs of Pancreatic Cancer! The food we eat is an important factor in the metabolic dysfunction, in part because our diets lack the necessary balance of nutrients.
Take care of your body – It’s the only place you have to live all your life. The food you eat can either be safe and nourishing or the slowest form of poison.
A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition! Energy intake of calories should balance with energy expenditure. To avoid unhealthy weight gain, total fat should not exceed 30% of total energy intake and that of saturated fats should be less than 10% and intake of trans-fats less than 1% and free sugars less than 10% of total energy intake! Eating at least 400 g, or five portions, of fruit and vegetables per day reduces the risk of Non Communicable Diseases!
Food causes
• 45% of all heart diseases
• 30–35% of all cancers
• 45% of all strokes,
• 45% of deaths due to diabetes.
Keeping salt intake to less than 3to 4 g per day – could prevent 1.7 million deaths each year! The food we eat is putting 11 million of us into an early grave each year – study from Lancet! Our daily diet is a bigger killer than smoking and is now involved in one in five deaths around the world.
Salt is indeed a monstrous problem – raises blood pressure, raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes and heart failure. Cancers and type 2 diabetes make up the rest of the diet-related deaths. The link between red and processed meats with cancer have attracted huge headlines.
Eating is not just about feeding the body; it’s about nourishing the soul. Food transcends mere sustenance—it’s a celebration of flavours, memories, and culture. Somehow, not many of us fully understand just how much of what we eat impacts every aspect of our lives dramatically. Food, as a complex ecosystem of distinct yet co-dependent nutrients, interacting with one another and our bodies to create either a climate of health or disease and disability!
A healthy diet should include salad and vegetables regularly. The general recommendation is eat five daily portions of fruits and vegetables.It is estimated that having your five fruit and veg a day would take up 52% of household income in poorer countries.
Nuts and seeds – Recommended 25grams/ We Consume 3grams,
Milk- recommended 440 g / we consume 70 g
Whole grains- Recommended – 125 g / we consume 30 g
Red meat – recommended- 22 g /we consume 30g
Pizzas and the burgers are just so tasty, and goes so well with those chips and dips. We experience a COVID-19-level mortality catastrophe every single year… from food.
Eat with heart in Mind – we live longer on a healthy diet, also we can die less painfully, too! Chances are, you’ll live and you’ll thrive.
Economics-driven enterprises worldwide have sold our long-term health for short-term gains. From a ravaged environment and a decimated biome, to toxic Franken-foods and economic injustices of all kinds! Human beings as wildly short-sighted and are self-destructive.Promote Healthy Eating Habits!
Food is now the number one killer in the world!

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