February 21, 2025


Truth Triumphs

Food and civil supplies Minister muniyappa assure 10 kg free rice

Bengaluru Express
Bengaluru Feb 20:

Food and civil supplies Minister KH Muniyappa on Wednesday revealed that has assured by the state government that the public will get 10 kgs of rice under the Anna Bhagya scheme through the Public Distribution system.
This benefit will be passed on to the customers from March. Due to the non availability of the rice the customers were getting cash instead of rice through DBT scheme. Minister shares his opinion on distribution of the rice to the customers. Excerpts….

The food and civil supplies department has now decided to issue a full quota of free rice under Anna  bhagya, one of the five free schemes. Isn’t it delayed inordinately?
Actually, rice was not available despite our efforts to purchase from paddy growing states. Now, the centre has agreed to provide rice. We require 2.10 metric tonnes of rice every month and our officials have submitted the indent for the same.

With the supply of rice instead of giving money through the Direct to Beneficiary Transfer (DBT) scheme will the government benefit financially?
Definitely yes. The state will save between Rs. 150 and Rs. 180 crore. More importantly, the government is living up to its promise of quenching hunger by providing a full quota of rice.

Has the centre given commitment on the duration of the supply of rice?
The centre has orally agreed to supply rice for two years. Union minister Prahlad Joshi has given a commitment to supply till June. However, they may revise the price which normally happens in June.

How will you reduce bogus BPL cards?
Shortly, we will issue and appeal to surrender bogus BPL cards and upgrade themselves to APL cards. Despite this bogus BPL card holders will be peanalized. However an opportunity will be given for bogus BPL card holders to upgrade themselves to APL cards in the due course of time.

There is a huge demand for new ration cards when will they be provided?
Right now, officials are segregating APL and BPL cards and it is taking time. Shortly BPL cards will be issued and right now APL cards are being issued through Tehsildar.

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